WM Henderson Truck


How to Get Your Heater Ready for the Fall

How to Get Your Heater Ready for the Fall

September marks the start of cooler weather here in Wayne, PA, and while we may have a few more warmish days left to go, fall will be here before you know it. Before it arrives, it’s a good idea for a homeowner to dust off their heating system and help get it ready. That way, you can avoid any nasty surprises later in the season and ensure that your system — whether it be a furnace, a boiler or a more alternative form of heating — is ready to go when you are.

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  1. Schedule a maintenance session with a trained technician. This will put professional eyes on your system to check for any serious problems that may be heading your way, as well as helping the heater perform at its most efficient.
  2. Clean your chimney if you have one. Make sure there’s not soot or creosote build-up and that the chimney isn’t blocked by bird’s nests or debris.
  3. Change the filters on your furnace. Ideally, they should be changed every 1-3 months, though there’s no need when temperatures are high. With fall coming, however, now is the best time to do so.
  4. Open the heating vents and make sure they can open and close smoothly.
  5. Weather-proof your home: use weather stripping to seal cracks around doors and windows. If you have the means you might think about replacing inefficient windows with double-paned windows to better retain the heat.
  6. Switch your thermostat from cooling to heating mode and adjust the settings to reflect the falling temperature. If you have an older thermostat, this might be a good opportunity to replace it with an updated model, such as a smart thermostat.

These steps will not only help you anticipate any serious problems, but improve the heater’s efficiency and help lower those winter heating bills.

Call WM Henderson, Inc. today to schedule a heating maintenance and repair session.
