WM Henderson Truck


Consider Upgrading Your Thermostat

Consider Upgrading Your Thermostat

Thermostats are designed to last for a long time, and if you’ve had yours for ten years or more, congratulations on getting so much use out of your investment. But the one drawback to such longevity is that you may have missed some exciting advances in the field. Thermostats not offer so much more than they did just a few short years ago, and considering how hot our summers get here in Havertown, PA, now is the perfect time to take advantage of those new features. Here’s a few of them listed to give you an idea of what you can get when you upgrade your thermostat.

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Smart Programming

New thermostats are more sophisticated than ever, and many now feature smart programming designed to improve the efficiency of your system. For example, many smart thermostats can read the conditions outside — including humidity and wind chill as well as temperature — and adjust the inside temperature to compensate. Some can also analyze your heating and cooling patterns, and make adjustments designed to improve the system’s efficiency.  That can lower your monthly bills as well as ensuring that your house is cool and comfortable no matter what’s going on outside.

Remote Control

You may think that remote control means a handheld control that lets you alter the thermostat’s settings from across the room, and certainly there are such thermostats available. But the advent of the wireless age can extend you reach well beyond that. Using an app on your phone, you can program your thermostat or get it to turn on and off from anywhere in the world. No more forgetting to turn off your system before leaving on vacation, or getting a call fro ma family member who can’t get the air conditioner turned on.

Call WM Henderson, Inc. to install a new thermostat in your home!
